Mondes arabes at the Rendez-vous de la bibliothèque at the Jacques-Berque Center

Mondes arabes, une “nouvelle” revue : génèse, projet éditorial et production

January 22nd 2025 at 5pm

Mondes Arabes will be present at the Jacques Berque Center, in Rabat, on January 22nd, to give a presentation and host a writing workshop.

with Amin Allal (CNRS, CERAPS Lille), Yasmine Berriane (CNRS, CMH Paris) and Zoé Carle (IUF Paris 8)

Last issue :

Tourime religieux

Mondes arabes #6, December 2024

Capture d’écran 2024-06-13 à 16.05.57

Thematic issue: Tourisme Religieux


Les « mondes arabes » en Argentine : vers l’émergence d’une recherche sud-sud ?,
Un entretien avec Carolina Bracco, Julieta Chinchilla et Mariela Cuadro, mené par Yasmine Berriane

Review of Books, Sounds & Images

Fifth issue :

Migrations et politique(s)

Mondes arabes #5, June 2024

Capture d’écran 2024-06-13 à 16.05.57

Thematic issue: Migration et politique(s)

Fieldwork & Archives
Review of Books, Sounds & Images

Fourth issue :

Exil syrien et vie urbaine

Mondes arabes #4, December 2023

Thematic issue: Exil syrien et vie urbaine

Itinéraire pionnier d’une intellectuelle saoudienne en exil
Entretien avec Madawi AL RASHEED, Propos recueillis par Claire BEAUGRAND

Fieldwork & Archives
Review of Books, Sounds & Images

Third issue :

L’école à l’épreuve

Mondes arabes #3, june 2023

Mondes arabes at the 5th Congress of Middle Eastern and Muslim Studies
Mondes arabes took part in the books and journals forum of the 5th Congress of the GIS Middle East and Muslim Worlds, from 10 to 13 July 2023 in Lyon, showing the dynamism of research in the humanities and social sciences on the region.
Reading Mondes arabes to understand Syria
Orient XXI is talking about our journal! Our first issue, ‘Faire des sciences sociales du politique’, is quoted at the end of this article (including the ‘very rich’ article by Manon-Nour Tannous and Matthieu Rey).
Presentation of the second issue at iReMMO

Discover the presentation of the issue “Parliaments in (r)evolution?” at IReMMO by Camille ABESCAT, Déborah PÉREZ and Manon-Nour TANNOUS.

Presentation of the journal at iReMMO

Discover the presentation of the journal and its launch issue ‘Faire des sciences sociales du politique’ at IReMMO by Manon-Nour TANNOUS, Youssef EL CHAZLI, Assia BOUTALEB and Choukri HMED (moderated by Dima ALSAJDEYA).

Mondes arabes at the Salon de la revue
Mondes arabes participates at the 32nd Salon de la revue from 14 to 16 October 2022 at the halle des Blancs-Manteaux (Paris 4th arrondissement).
At a conference with our team and guests, we take a look at the collective process to create a journal. With Mourad Besbes, Amélie Canu, Manon-Nour Tannous from Mondes arabes & François Gèze, publisher at La Découverte and Chairman of Cairn.
« Mondes arabes » in Tunis at Insaniyyat, International Forum for Humanities and Social Sciences
The journal organised a workshop entitled “Understanding the Arab and Muslim worlds post-2011”, based on its first issue and consisting, ten years after the revolutions, of an attempt to understand what has changed in our practices, our methods and our knowledge. Mondes arabes also took part, along with the editors of social science journals in and about the Maghreb, in the round-table discussion on “Publishing social science today in the Maghreb”.
« Mondes arabes ». Young French researchers launch a new journal
Mondes arabes is featured in Orient XXI, which devotes an article to the launch of this new journal.
« Spring this year has brought us a nice surprise: the launch of a new journal, Mondes arabes, from young French researchers. »

Launch of the journal with the first issue:

Faire des sciences sociales du politique

Mondes arabes #1, may 2022


Introduction. Aréal parce que je le vaux bien !
Amin Allal & Assia Boutaleb & Manon-Nour Tannous

Thematic issue: Faire des sciences sociales du politique

Le choix et la constance. Parcours et enjeux de recherche
Entretien avec Michel Camau, Propos recueillis par Amin Allal, et Assia Boutaleb

Review of Books, Sounds & Images